

Hallo Ik ben Terri, getrouwd met René, we hebben een kleine hond Dodo. Opgegroeid in China. Gewerkt als lerares in Engeland. Inmiddels al sinds 2011 in Nederland als kunstenaar en  yoga leraares.




Hi I'm Terri, married to René, we have a small dog Dodo. Raised in China. Worked as a teacher in England. Already quite some time in the Netherlands as an artist and yoga teacher.

Terri was born in Kaifeng China, who spent her younger years in mid-80s studying Fashion Design in ancient capital Xi’an and focused on fashion designing in Hong Kong thereafter. Moving to UK in 1997, Terri started teaching fashion design and art with her valuable experiences in the industry. She moved to Netherlands in 2011 and became a full time artist. Her works had been signed and exhibited in Europe and America by the top art exhibitors, a number of which had been collected by private collectors and art lovers.

Terri's works are feminine, refined and detailed, being Opposite to her tranquility and peaceful, her brush expresses as powerful and unconstrained, creates extraordinary world that balances between fairytale, theatre and the world of fantasy.

Terri is also a dedicated yoga practitioner and certified yoga instructor by Yoga Alliance. She is now devoting her life into awakening the connections between human and nature through the beauty of art and yoga.